Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Phones, Phones, Phones

Unless you've been living under the proverbial rock, you'll know that the new iPhone4 is now available in Australia.

Currently, I have an iPhone3G, on a contract that has about 6 months left to run. As such, I'm starting to think now about what phone I might like to get when the contract runs out.
My iPhone has served me pretty well, but it has a few drawbacks. The two biggest ones are:
- it's really slow these days
- it doesn't play well at all with Linux (which both my home computers run)

There are a lot more options available now in the "smartphone" market than there was when I got the iPhone. As well as addressing the issues above, any new phone needs to accomodate the following:
- sync to Google Calendar
- good email access
- Good music interface (my phone is also my portable music player)

With those requirements, I'd probably lean towards getting something running Android, but even within that sub-category, there's plenty of options (and probably even more by the time my contract runs out)

What's probably going to sway it for me is other people's experiences with any phones under consideration. So, I throw the issue open to my readers: what would you recommend?


thornate said...

If you were buying right now, without a doubt in my mind I'd recommend the HTC Desire. I've had mine for two weeks now and I'm loving it.

If you're buying in six months; whichever HTC Android phone is newest then.

Cheese said...

I'll certainly look at the HTC phones, but I've heard some bad stories about reliability towards the end of the warranty period. Let me know how yours is going in a year!

Andy Forster said...

I recently purchased a Samsung Jet. No problems so far although the touch screen isn't as responsive as an iPhone. You get used to it though. The music player is easy to use. Haven't set up access to an email account yet so I can't help you there. But if you're after a more business orientated phone then a Blackberry Storm 2 or an HTC Desire may be right up your alley.

Kale said...

I'm looking at Android phones, but I haven't seen one in the form factor I want (ie: Physical keyboard), that has a 1Ghz processor, which is required for Android 3

So, my personal plan is to wait.

Also, the capture for this post, is 'Pronshum'

mitch said...

Dont know about emails and such, but my brother has the HTC Hero. He highly reccomends it against the iPhone and prefers it over other HTC phone.

Kale said...

Unfortunately, the Hero only has a 528MHz processor, which means it won't be able to handle the next major release of Android... since I think Cheese will have this phone for ~2 years minimum, he'll want something that can be updated

Cheese said...

Yes, would want any phone to be reasonably future proof.
That said, it's a moot point for another 6 months, so will probably just have to wait and see what come out between now and then. No doubt there'll be some choice release before Christmas :)