Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Where content is king...

I promised something about the current election campaign.
This is something, but only a brief something. I'll have more at a later date I'm sure (probably as pollies from all sides sink to new levels of shamelessness and stupidity).

Anyway, news today is that the debate between Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott has been moved forward one hour from Sunday 19:30 to Sunday 18:30.
The reason? Sunday 19:30 is the finale of Masterchef season 2. And no one in their right mind wants to go up against that juggernaut.

Much has been made of the fact that a debate between two people who could potentially lead our country has been upstaged by a TV show, and what this might suggest about our society.
My thoughts were: what idiots in the campaigns didn't look at a TV schedule before agreeing on a date for the debate?!

Given how important TV has been in election campaigns around the world since it's invention 60-odd years ago, and the fact that you want to maximise your audience (thus maximise your opportunity to influence the electorate), you'd pay attention to what might take away from that.

One look at a TV schedule and all this could have been avoided. That's all I'm saying...


thornate said...

I imagine it's because the debate has traditionally been shown on 60 minutes, so they just assumed they'd go in the same timeslot.

My guess is that they did know that they were up against Masterchef, but are so out of touch with the viewing public that they didn't consider it important until the newspapers started reporting the clash.

Cheese said...

The pollies themselves may be that out of touch, but surely their campaign staff (the people being paid be on top of this shit) aren't? That's why they're employed - to help the candidate "connect with the electorate"

I guess that's really my point.