Monday, July 19, 2010

Walking, talking and chewing gum...

Disclaimer: this post is going to be (vaguely) about my work.
I say this because, I don't intend for this blog for me to pontificate or bitch and whine about my work life. This isn't an industry-related blog (although if you want to read one of those, my cousin writes an excellent one). Also, unlike many people, I don't have the delusion that the average person finds the minutae of what I do that interesting. Although (as consumers), they tend to like the end result.

But I digress.

I had a pretty disappointing day at work today. The nature of my job is such that each engineer works on many projects at once (anywhere between 15 and 25 generally, in various stages of development). Today, in my weekly meeting with our project management team, I found that 6 of my projects are running late, and moreover, some key points had been missed on some of them.

One could suggest that I have some time-management issues. One would not be the first to do so. But, after some reflection, I think my issue isn't so much with time management, as with multitasking management. The problem I find is, having to do 15 things at once on a multitude of projects, I'm not able to concentrate on one thing at a time long enough to effectively complete the task.

Obviously this is something I need to work on - when I find a good solution I'll let you know.

1 comment:

Andy Forster said...

hmmm Has Kerry been giving you a hard time? Unrealistic deadlines were one of my gripes. Have you managed to get it under control again?